Charles Galpin wrote:

> Sorry, I said too much :). I should have just gone with the URL.
> Yes, i was commenting on the use of a shell script to invoke a perl script
> instead of calling it directly. You can do it any way you like, but if you
> want to use mod_perl, you might want to consider putting that script logic
> into perl so it can be used both as a cgi and under mod_perl.
> On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, p-thilts wrote:
> > > there is no silver mod_perl bullet. I would start here
> > >
> > >
> >
> > So let me rephrase.   Do I still use the same kind of submit operation
> > associated with a form on a browser web page (where the submit bundle of
> > information references CGI or cgi-bin)  in order to evoke the apache
> > operation of mod_per?  Should have said it that way in the first place.
> Do some reading. Basically yes, although you would setup a handler with
> any path you like. It supports using your cgi's as is until you port them
> fully for performance etc.
> I'm no expert, so I won't comment further. You will see there is a
> mod_perl mailing list, but I wouldn't go askign these kinds of questions
> there :)
> give that URL a try.
> charles


Thanks for the reply and the advice - which I will take.

Regarding confirmation of operation:  Here are two carefully chosen examples
where my machine name is called 'market'...


The last one produces a fantastic organization of information about apache,
environment, php options, compile directives, and a whole lot more stuff all
based on the install.  I was looking for something like that for mod_perl
because it confirms the installation.   But I was also looking for some kind
of log to confirm that apache was actually using mod_perl to process perl

That's okay, I'm far from being an expert on this.  We can't all be experts
on everything and if we try to be generally competant we may never be experts
on anything.  Even  paid for expert  help (at my end) gave up on the perl
related stuff.  All the configuration file stuff has been done to the best of
my knowledge.  It's probably working just fine except I'm looking for
physical evidence regarding it's various operations.  If you do run into
anyone that does have expert status on mod_perl maybel you can toss this note
their way.

My biggest problem is that my business is in start up mode involving a series
of major projects that eventually define it's various automated operations.
There has been much more work and reading than I can possibly manage in the
available time and the project time line.  So, I look for help where ever it
appears it is legitimate to ask.   I think Red Hat now provides some kind of
limited server support but not along the lines of mod_perl. Because of
limited cash flow (as there is no revenue during  start up(set up phase))
I am limited regarding paid for assistance.   In any event, it's all slowly
working out okay.  Thanks again for your response, you've always been good
that way and you always add value.  Have a nice day, and just maybe someone
out there will pick up on this and throw some concrete information my way.


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