
Well I think I've got part of my answer.

See attached file.


$ perldoc cgi_to_mod_perl

 For using mod_perl as a CGI replacement, the recommended
       configuration is as follows:
        Alias /perl/  /real/path/to/perl-scripts/
        <Location /perl>
        SetHandler  perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
        Options +ExecCGI
       `Location' refers to the uri, not a directory, think of
       the above as
       Any files under that location (which live on your
       filesystem under /real/path/to/perl-scripts/), will be
       handled by the Apache::Registry module, which emulates the
       CGI environment.  The file must exist and be executable,
       in addition,  'Options ExecCGI' must be turned on.  

So it would appear the only requirement coming from the browser
forms submit bundle to the web server is a CGI reference (as with
traditional CGI operation) and a file type .pl for perl script.
The execution of the perl script located in the designated
directory space would then be performed by mod_perl. In other words
it looks like a standard cgi operation using

I stumbled on this while reading the Red Hat Official Linux 6.2
Apache/SSL Installation Guide for their so called 'super server'.
Section 5.3 covers Configuring mod_perl.  The module mod_perl got
involved because other perl modules used by this 'super server' 
require it, like ASP.  The mod_perl package is in the Red Hat Linux
distribution where other modules for this server are on the CD-ROM
labelled Secure Web Server.

Thought I would share this with you.  Also, I can use this
information as a check against what has already been done.
I didn't include all the information in this note  - just the part
pertaining to CGI operation.

I've been reading stuff all day, second day now.


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