linda hanigan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just installed 6.2 on a machine and have found a few minor problems to
> fix.
> 1.The first is networking when the machine boots and I log on and run
> ifconfig eth0 doesn't showup. However if I just look at the basic host
> info in linuxconf  and then type ifconfig eth0 shows up and I can telnet
> and ftp on my intranet. I checked ntsysv and it shows that network
> should start automatically. In my log I found this message which may be
> the source of the problem
> ismod:Note: /etc/conf.modules is more recent than
> /lib/module/2.2.14-5.0/modules.dep
> If found the card and setup the addresses with the install but I used
> linuxconf to set the machine name so this may have caused the problem.

    A "depmod -a " will make the warning go away, however I doubt it's
the problem.  Are you certain that you are starting the eth0 interface
at boot?  In linuxconf there should be a little check box for it.  Or
check that you are running networking (ntsysv).

> 2. I would like lilo to default to dos as this machine is used mostly for
> scanning and printing photos I also use it to practice linux to linux and
> linux to windows networking stuff before I do them at work I tried
> changeing lilo.conf default=dos but it still booted linux. Smart machine.
> (I will be thrilled when corel Draw and my scanner work with linux so I can
> scrap windoze but for now...)
> 3. In xfce I get a huge square for a cursor. I tried to add
>     Option "sw_cursor"
> to the configuration file but I either have the wrong syntax, the wrong
> place, or
> the wrong file as it doesn't help.

  This an X problem.  Most X servers store the mouse cursor in the last
part of memory so I suspect that either your X server beleives it has
more memory than it really does, there somthing wrong with the last bit
of video ram, or your X server doesn't handle the card correctly.  What
sort of card do you have?  

  The Option "sw_cursor" will generally "fix" the problem, however.  Are
you sure you are putting it in the right place?  Often X configuration
programs have a dumy entry or two as examples XF86Config. In addition I
not entirely certain that the syntax is the same for all the various X
servers.  Look for an entry like this:
Section "Device"
    Identifier "Cirrus CL-GD5428"
    VendorName "Cirrus"
    BoardName "CL-GD5428
    Option "sw_cursor"

Check the release notes for your chipset for more info

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