Thanks for the input.

As I mentioned in another post, I used cfdisk which worked in a way I
had expected. When I replaced my hda8 with a smaller partition, the new
partition was given the same name; hda8. Thanks for that. ;-)

Of course, if I then want to fill the remaining 'hole' from the end of
hda8 to beginning of hda9, hda9 and hda10 will be renumbered to hda10
and hda11 while the new partition, filling the hole, gets to be hda9.
Makes some sense after all.

The most important thing for me was that I had a confirmation that
partitions actually *are* getting renumbered in these situations. That's
what scared me so. If I'm fully aware of it, I can update my fstab
accordingly before rebooting.


rpjday wrote:
>   just a followup to the previous post about mounting filesystems
> by label, rather than by actual /dev/hda? name.  assuming that
> /dev/hda7 == /home (which it does on my box), first you label
> that partition:
> # e2label /dev/hda7 home  (or whatever you want to call it)
> # e2label /dev/hda7
> home                      (to verify)
>   next, edit /etc/fstab and change the line:
>         /dev/hda7 ...
>   to read
>         LABEL=home ...    (or whatever you labelled it)
>   having said all that, a couple of issues of which i am
> unsure.
>   first, i'm not sure how far you can push this idea.
> mounting by label is great if you want to restructure
> partitions and don't want to deal with the partitions
> being renumbered automatically (something i have some
> terrifically painful memories of, thanks).
>   but i haven't tried this with mounting things like
> / or /boot or /usr by label (not like it would make
> much sense anyway, since the root filesystem is specified
> in /etc/lilo.conf -- not sure you can use labelling in
> there, but i'm not keen on testing it.)
>   second, when i tested this by mounting /home by label,
> during boot, i got a new message saying that /dev/hda7
> was already mounted, and i thought, hmmmmmmm, why would
> mounting it by label suddenly force it to be mounted
> twice?
>   tracked it down to /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S25netfs, the
> start code:
> case "$1" in
>   start)
>         [ -n "$NFSFSTAB" ] && action "Mounting NFS filesystems" mount -a -t nfs
>         [ -n "$SMBFSTAB" ] && action "Mounting SMB filesystems" mount -a -t smbfs
>         [ -n "$NCPFSTAB" ] && action "Mounting NCP filesystems" mount -a -t ncpfs
>         touch /var/lock/subsys/netfs
>         action "Mounting other filesystems" mount -a -t nonfs,smbfs,ncpfs
>         ;;
>   apparently, that last mount tried to once again mount the
> labelled filesystem (you can see that just by typing the above
> mount command).  i suspect that what's happening here is that
> the mount table (in /etc/mtab) shows /dev/hda7 being mounted,
> but /etc/fstab shows LABEL=home, they don't match exactly so
> the mount command tries to mount it yet again.  no harm, just
> wasted cycles.  at least, this is my best guess.  any other
> comments?
> rday

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