> At 02:48 AM 4/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >RH6.0 dialup gateway server, all security updates.  Very strange
> >issue, in which logins to all accounts except root fail with the
> >following: "no directory /home/user".  Permissions are fine on all
> >home directories.  Tried creating a new user, and that user got the
> >same results.  Tried editing /etc/passwd to change the home dirs,
> >nothing worked.  Only root can log in, and only to the console.  Do
> >"su - user", to any user, shell tells me it's unable to run /bin/bash,
> >permission denied.
> >
> >I found a reference to /etc/no_login in an old archived post, but
> >there was no such file on my system.  Authentication clearly isn't the
> >problem.  Syslog shows successful logins each time I try to log
> >in.  But it appears that no user except root has any permissions
> >anywhere on the system.
> >
> >All I've done recently is set up an .rhosts for a non-privileged user
> >to connect from a single private IP, and use that account to copy some
> >backups onto the problem machine to a subdirectory of the
> >user's home.  What on earth got hosed?
> >
> Check the permissions on /home itself, as well as on /bin/bash.
> drwxr-xr-x   4 root     root         1024 Feb  1 09:39 home
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       373176 Apr  6  1999 /bin/bash

Also, check the permissions on the root directory with "ls -ld /"

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