On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 01:40:33AM -0700, Mike Lewis wrote:
| Trying to setup passwordless login using rsync and ssh.
| Suppose you have hostname1 that multiple machines will be connecting to
| using rsync / ssh.  When setting up the first machine (hostname2) to have a
| passwordless login you would use:
|       scp identity.pub user@hostname1:/home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys
| Now we move to hostname3.  Is there a way to append identity.pub to
| hostname1:/home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys using scp or does this
| necessitate using vi and a temporary file ?

ssh -l user hostname1 'cat >>/home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

Endless Loop: n., see Loop, Endless.
Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.
        - Random Shack Data Processing Dictionary

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