On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 10:36:47AM -0500, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
> I recently re-installed 6.1, and now the system isn't keeping accurate
> track of installed rpms.  Yesterday I installed mod_ssl.  I just tried to
> uninstall it and received the following message:
> $ rpm -e mod_ssl-2.6.0_1.3.12-1.i586.rpm
> error: package mod_ssl-2.6.0_1.3.12-1.i586.rpm is not installed
> But if I try to install it:
> $ rpm -i mod_ssl-2.6.0_1.3.12-1.i586.rpm
> package mod_ssl-2.6.0_1.3.12-1 is already installed
> 1) I need to remove the package (it is installed).  What do I do?
> 2) How do I fix the rpm database so it knows what's installed and what
> isn't? I've tried rpm --rebuilddb but that didn't work.
> Glen
        Try rpm -e mod_ssl

        If you consult the rpm man page you'll see that installing and 
uninstalling take different options.  Installing requires a package file
while uninstalling requires only the package name.

rpm -i [install-options] <package_file>+

rpm -e <package_name>+

FYI: <package_file> is <package_name>-<package_version>-<release>-<arch>.rpm
 Michael J. Eisenhower ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |
 Mechanical Eng:  University of Rochester          |
 Rochester, NY 14627                               |

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