I got my m$ (un)intellimouse working (with all the help from the list) , in
all my programs , except Netscape.
the way I got it running was to copy the imwheelrc to my /home dir as
.imwheelrc and all of a sudden , the wheel started working , but like I said
, not in Netscape.
here it what I have in my .imwheelrc for Netscape:
Shift_L, Down, Page_Down, 1, 1000, 1000
Shift_L, Up, Page_Up, 1,
1000, 1000
None, Down, Down, 7, 1000, 1000
None, Up, Up, 7,
1000, 1000
None, Left, Left, 7, 1000, 1000
None, Right, Right, 7, 1000, 1000
#Alt_L, Down, Alt_L|Right
#Alt_L, Up, Alt_L|Left
Alt_L, Down, Right, 10, 1000, 1000
Alt_L, Up, Left, 10,
1000, 1000
it is a safe bet to say that that does not look right
any words of wisdom??
thank you
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