be careful with  /mbr   , however there is a HOW-TO somewhere on this  (I
never dual boot)  , but if you look for something called GAG  , it will
probably do all of what you want a lot better 

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 9/05/00 at 21:58 Larry Mintz wrote:

>I am trying to create a dual boot with NT on NT's bootloader. 
>As of now it is just hanging. This is understable, since LILO is still
>Here is my LILO config:
>        label=linux
>        initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.12-20.img
>        read-only
>        root=/dev/hda2
>        label=dos
> My first physical disk is partitioned like the following:
>C: 1 GB  NTFS
>D: 1 GB DOS    /OTHER on Linux
>1.5  GB /
>750 MB  /swap


Greg Wright
IT Consultant Sydney Australia


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