On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 01:21:48AM -0000, Bill Kerr wrote:
> I've heard that the first implementation of Emacs was written in TECO
> (Jim Gosling?).
> There is a major operational paradigm shift between Emacs and TECO (as
> well as vi) --- keyboard mode. In TECO (and vi) you are in "enter" mode
> or "command mode". I personally seem incapable of accurately maintaining
> this single bit of mental state. Many of you know how badly you can
> screw up your file if you (1) rapidly touch type, and (2) forget you're
> in command mode. I always forget, and I type fast. Which makes these
> editors less than ideal, for me at least.
Vim, at least, will tell you which mode it is currently in, if you
configure it to. I would agree, though, that if you can't type without
staring at the keyboard then a context sensitive editor is probably not a
wise choice.
Steve Borho Voice: 314-615-6365
Member of Technical Staff
Celox Networking Inc
Fortune of the day:
Sometimes I wonder if I'm in my right mind. Then it passes off and I'm
as intelligent as ever.
-- Samuel Beckett, "Endgame"
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