IIRC, Gary, the answer is as simple as "Just Say NO!" - when asked about
configuring your network.  If your connection is only going to be via 
dialup, use the dialup connection tool later, and leave then network
alone during the install.  Worst case, when dealing with a card in any
system, of course, is simply pull the card, finish the install, and then
reinsert the card.  kudzu will recognize the presence of the card, but
you don't have to configure it.

Hope it helps

> This is probably a dumb question, but I've installed various versions
> of RedHat in the past and am getting ready to install it again. The
> installation process always assumes I have a network card and that I
> am going to be on a network. Well, I am going to be installing on a PC
> that does have a network card but will be a standalone machine, using
> PPP and dialup for its Internet connection. The dialog boxes always
> ask for networking information to fill in and whenever I have tried to
> skip that step, in the past the installation process has aborted. So
> my question is: if I have a network card but have no immediate plans
> to be on a network, how do I handle the network configuration -- IP
> address, netmask, default gateway IP and primary nameserver
> information? 

Rick Forrister                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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 three people, two of whom are absent."  Robert Copeland

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