"Anthony E. Greene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> JRtL wrote:
> >     i have a school project on web development. i am assign
> > to do the alumni registry of our college (sort of online web
> > database for alumni to register and some value added
> > services)  but i am not aware of the tools and languages
> > used in the development/implementation of this registry. I
> > hope you can give me some thoughts on what tools/languages
> > to begin with. Btw it will be hosted on a redhat linux 6.0.
> > any suggestions on how to best implement this? thanks in
> > advance.
> I'm a perl user, so I favor perl and PostgreSQL. Red Hat ships with the
> Pg.pm module which makes it easy to connect to PostgreSQL databases with
> perl. Perl has so many modules that it's easy to add features to any project
> you're working on.
> PHP has many advocates and is supposed to be very fast when used as an
> Apache module.

I'm a fan of perl and postgreSQL myself, but I thought I'd
point out that the Pg.pm module is regarded as the
old-fashioned way of doing things.  The recommended method
these days is to use the DBI/DBD interface (the theory being
that if you want to switch database software later, it
should be fairly easy to just change the "DBD" (database
driver), and re-use the code written to work with the "DBI"
-- i.e. the database interface).

The DBI is much better documented at this point. There's a
new O'Reilley book out on the subject, and it's also
discussed in "Advanced Perl Programming" and "The Perl
Cookbook".  There are also a number of web sites with DBI
examples (for Pg.pm I could find only one site, and the
author of that site recommended I use DBI).  

("The Perl Cookbook" is an excellent resource, by the way: 
it's one of the reasons I remain a Perl loyalist.  Perl has
to be the best documented language in history.)

There are new versions out of postgresql (7.0) and perl (5.6)
and my guess is you would want to upgrade to both of them
before getting involved with this project.  I don't know of
hand if the DBI/DBD modules are included with RedHat 6.2, 
my guess is you'll need to look for them on the Powertools
disk, or on www.rpmfind.net (or on www.cpan.org, if you
don't mind letting your rpm database get out of sync where 
your perl stuff is concerned). 

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