
didn't know where to get it.  I received the file from a buddy of mine
and had no idea where to get the current one.  I"ll change the web site
to reflect the link.  Thx for the update :-)

Frank Carreiro

Tom Oehser wrote:
>  >> Check out my web site.  I found a great minix boot disk which I use
>  >> to mount linux partitions.  The commands and feel is alot like
>  >> linux.  Here is the link ...
>  >>
>  >> http://www.xmission.com/~dmacleod/unix/linux/contents.html
>  >
>  > Is minix diskette compatible with linux? I heard that even various
>  > kernels differ on the floppy and on the hard disk, might make troubles?
> Whoa, guys, there are a couple of problems here.
> 1. It is not a minix boot disk.  It is Linux.  It just happens to use the
>    minix filesystem instead of the ext2 filesystem internally, which means
>    nothing and makes no difference and isn't worth mentioning.  Linux.
> 2. The web site has a file, "tomsrtbt-current.tar.gz", that should NEVER
>    exist except as a symbolic link to the CURRENT tomsrtbt.  To have a
>    file called "tomsrtbt-current" that is NOT current is a problem.
>    Please remove it and replace it with the correct versioned file name,
>    or a link to the home page, so as not to mislead people that it is
>    current, when it isn't.  I don't have a problem if you mirror it as:
>         tomsrtbt-1.7.140.tar.gz
>    Which is what it is, and it IS NOT current, since 1.7.185 has been out
>    for a while, so, you see, it is a problem to have a file named
>    "current" that is NOT current.
> The tomsrtbt home-page is:
>         http://www.toms.net/rb/
> and
>         ftp://ftp.toms.net/rb/
> The symbolic links:
>         "tomsrtbt-current.tar.gz"
> and
>         "tomsrtbt-current.dos.zip"
> -Thanks
> -Tom

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