On Sun, Jun 04, 2000 at 04:45:26PM -0400, M. Neidorff wrote:
| I just noticed (although it could have been there for a
| while) that my /tmp directory (RH 6.2 upgraded from 5.2)  has a link it in which is
| called tmp and points to /tmp.  This seems to be a pointless
| recursive link to me, but there may be a good reason for it
| being there.  Does this link have a reason for being there
| or can I safely remove it?

You can remove it.

THis kind of thing is easy to do by accident. For example, suppose you were
making a symlink to a dir so that it was known as:
You'd say:
        ln -s /path/to/realname /path/to/newname
But if /path/to/newname is an already existing directory this will make
a symlink _inside_ /path/to/newname called "realname". There are several
variants on this kind of accident. Maybe one caused your /tmp link.

Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

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Show me a man with no fear, adn I'll show you a fool or a liar. Fear makes
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over, then you are stuffed. If you disregard it, you are equally stuffed.
        - Andy Woodward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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