On Sun, 04 Jun 2000, Ezequiel Pozzo wrote:
> Hi Rh people:
>       Iīm installing the RH package on my computers. I have some problems:
> 1. In one computer I have only one Win95 Fat32 partition. Do you know if
> there is some FIPS-like program to split a FAT 32 partition?
Ever hear of Partition Magic? It's a commercial product to
do a non-destructive re-partitioning.
> 2. In the other computer I have a SamTron SC-428VS, but I lost the manual
> supplied with it so I had to set a generic type of monitor. I have a SiS
> 5597 video card set to 4Mb of RAM but I can only use a 640x480 res. with 16
> colors. Can it be because of the monitor? (I can use higher screen modes in
> windows)
> I tried to use XF86Setup to config X but it doesnīt work. It tells me:
> "Couldnīt determine where you have XFree86 installed.
> If you have XFree86 properly installed, set the XWINHOME enviroment
> variable to point to the parent directory of the XFree86 bin directory."
> How can I do this? (sorry, Iīm a newbie)
> Do you know where can I find information to config the
> monitor? 
Use a search engine (I like Google and Dogpile myself) and
search for "monitor", "samtron" and "sc-428vs." I've had to
search for monitor settings before and it can take some
doing to find that info.
Good luck!

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