On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 03:57:12PM -0500, Bret Hughes wrote:
> SoloCDM wrote:
> > What commands convert casing to upper, lower, and proper (proper: as
> > in Virginia)?
> >
> tr will translate from on to the other.  take a look at man tr.  Also a
> thread awhile back that mentioned this.  some thing like cat file |tr
> [a-z] [A-Z]>newfile will probably come close but this is a guess.
> For the Title Case Situation you will probably have to get tricky.

Perl's ucfirst() function can do this, e.g.,

    $ echo virginia | perl -ne 'print $_, ucfirst';
    $ perldoc -f ucfirst
    =item ucfirst EXPR
    =item ucfirst
    Returns the value of EXPR with the first character uppercased.  This is
    the internal function implementing the C<\u> escape in double-quoted strings.
    Respects current LC_CTYPE locale if C<use locale> in force.  See L<perllocale>.
    If EXPR is omitted, uses C<$_>.

Ken Irving
Trident Software

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