On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, jack wallen jr wrote:

> hey everyone - have a question.  at work we're going to be required to use
> the VPN to get into the network now.  i've been using ssh to go directly
> to my production machine (Red Hat 6.2) from my home machine (Red Hat
> 6.2).  now, unfortunatly, that's not going to work.  

> can anyone enlighten me as to how i can manage to get into the VPN (it's
> an MS machine) with my Linux box?  am i going to have to recompile the
> kernel with the ip_masq_vpn module?

no, this is only useful on a ip masq/gateway box. adding ip_masq_vpn
support would allow you to connect from a windows PC behind the firewall
that is being masqueraded. I use this and it works nicely.

But I originally wanted to just use a linux pptp client (and could still
use it) and could never get it to work. So if your VPN is PPTP based, then
I'd also like to here from Gordon M. on this.


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