On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, linda hanigan wrote:
> I have the following entry in fstab for my zip drive
> /dev/hdb4                /mnt/zip             vfat    user,noauto          0
> 0
> then the user enters
> mount /dev/hdb4
> and the zip drive is mounted with the user as the owner. I assume the
> same format would allow a user to mount hda1 and own it.
Maybe if you make the line look as follows it'll help:
/dev/hdb4     /mnt/zip/     vfat      user,noauto,rw     0 0

Adding the "rw" seems like it SHOULD permit writing. The
problem is that Windows/Dos doesn't recognize permissions
and thus won't accept attempts to write permissions.

One other way around this is to use MTOOLS, which is
specifically designed to let you write files to a VFAT
FS w/o problems. Tools like mcopy, mmove, etc.

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