On 26-Jun-00 Harry Putnam wrote:
> Something in the last 3 or so days has happened to cause Netscape to
> send up a message box every 10 minutes or so saying:
> "Bookmarks have changed on disk, reloading" ....or similar.
> This just started recently and is getting to be an annoyance, If I
> leave computer for a while and come bacl there will be several
> accumlated message boxes.
> I'm running Netscape-navigator 4.73 but, I did not install it lately
> I tried  zapping (rm -rf) the $HOME/.netscape  directory ... no
> change.
> What would be causing this?

every time I have seen this (more than once), there has been multiple
copies of netscape running.

do a ps, and look at the task list. you probably have more than one
copy of netscape running.


E-Mail: Gregory Hosler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26-Jun-00
Time: 12:48:10

        If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
             ...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.


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