additionally, here is some further info from a previous net discussion on
the matter (none of it original to me):


If /etc/sysconfig/clock contains "UTC=false", then
the system assumes that the bios time is the correct local time and
doesn't update for daylight savings.  (Actually, the rollover will
be handled correctly, but the next time you boot, you'll be an hour
off again.)

If this is a server (i.e., never boots anything but Linux), then 
configure your hardware clock to use Universal time ("UTC=true" in 
/etc/sysconfig/clock) and use 

        hwclock --utc --systohc

to set the clock.  Then the system will correctly handle daylight time
under all circumstances.

The only reason to set your BIOS clock to local time is to support 
Windows, which is too brain-dead to understand Universal time.  Real
OS's always use UTC 8^).

                Matthew Saltzman
                Clemson University Math Sciences
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]


One thing to be careful about is if you use hwclock to set the
hardware clock - you should backup /etc/adjtime before you change the
clock, and restore it afterwords.  The reasion for this is that when you
set time with hwclock, it checks the how much the clock was off, and puts
a correction factor in /etc/adjtime.  But it doesn't know that you are
changing what the clock is set to, so it think the hardware clock was way
off...  If you forget, just delete the file, and replace it with an empty

(mjb: I believe this last refers to when changing to 'UTC')

                             - Martin J. Brown, Jr. -
                             - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

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