On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Jim Travnick wrote:

> Hello hope sombody out there will take pitty on this new user but im
> getting real confused here i see everyone talking about comands to do
> this or that but i cant figure out how or why there in what i asume is
> the comand line why doesnt anybody use the GUI?? 

FYI: I use both.  Currently, I have 13 apps running in 8 virtual screens.  
Five of the apps are xterms.  An 'xterm' is alot faster than a GUI, as
long as you know the commands.  If the GUI (and the apps) is/are designed
properly, you won't have to take your hands off the keyboard.  This is
much much faster for getting things done.

> when i set linux up i
> set it up to boot to gnome which im starting to think was not a good
> idea cant you do these things in there? or am i just to used to windows?


> now before everybody starts flaming me with things like well what are
> you trying to do all im trying right now is to get away from windows, i
> run spreadsheets for work, a little word processing, picture scanning,
> and internet surfing.
> I am not looking to write any programs, I build systems for people. I
> am  mainly looking for a better alternative to Windows, but once I have
> Linux in, I have no idea what to do with it.

If I may...

Linux is a powerful system.  It's a  multi-tasking, multi-user,
multi-threaded OS, with hundreds of utilities (command line  ;) ) designed
to be strung together however YOU want to get your work done.  And the GUI
side is powerful, too.  There are at least 3 X-servers, a dozen or more
window managers, and more than a handful of desktops, and CORBA, too.  ;)

And it's all open!

Go ahead, roll your own, hook it up to a UPS, leave it on 24/7, and it'll
be there when you want.

                             - Martin J. Brown, Jr. -
                             - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

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