> On Thu, 06 Jul 2000, Justin Ballou wrote:
> >
> > I have a Lucent PCI Winmodem in my laptop, running RH's 2.2.16-3
> > kernel, and the driver available at www.linmodems.org.  I've had no
> > problems with PPP connections and the like.  I sure wish they'd
> > (Lucent) open source their driver, though; the lack of support for 2.3
> > and 2.4 kernels finally drove me back to 2.2 ('couldn't bear the
> > thought of rebooting into Windoze just to use the modem). :)
> >
> Why not just get a pcmcia modem?
>         John

I could, but prefer to use the Lucent, simply because it's a built-in
job. :(  I'm hoping that once the official 2.4 kernel is released, Lucent
will update accordingly.

OT, has anyone had luck using the SuSE USB backport patch and the
RH 2.2.16-3 kernel source?  If so, to what extent did you have to
tweak the Makefile, etc.?  The patch is working for me with the official
2.2.16 kernel, but I'd prefer to get all of RH's applied patches.

Justin Ballou
The Physician's Computer Company

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