Meant to send this to the list too.  I really need to get that procmail recipe in

Bret Hughes wrote:

> dattatraya wrote:
> > sorry, im a newbie so can anyone plase tell me what is samba, and can i use
> > it on a standalone machine that has both win98se and rh6.0 so that i can
> > each os can access each others info... sorry if this is too dumb. just guide
> > me to where i can find more info
> >
> > thanks
> I am a firm believer that the only dumb question is one that goes unasked.
> A simplfied answer is:
> samba is a program that provides a bridge beween a linux box an the windows
> world allowing a linux box to share resources like files and printers to
> windows machines.  I believe the converse is also true in that a linux box can
> mount a shared drive on a windows box.  I have never done this but I belive is
> is possible.
> As far as using it to access drives on the same machine under a different
> format ( ie seeing your windows drive on linux or vice versa) you would not use
> samba to do this.  You should be able to see your win98 partition under linux
> by mounting the partition as a vfat type.  I use linuxconf to do this under
> access local drives and select the mount point and partition and when you click
> ok it will prompt you to create the mount point (directory ) if it does not
> exist.   This will create the fsatb entries and allow you to mount it at boot
> if you selected it or using the mount /dir/specified/in/linuxconf command.
> since the entry exists in fstab telling the kernel what the type is no further
> work is necessary.
> I belive ther is also a program that will allow you to see your linux
> partitions in win* but have not looked into it.

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