On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Bob Hartung wrote:

> Hi, Knowing this is not a proper site for HTML help I will ask anyway. I
> am building a frame oriented web site - hand coded [no comments
> necessary].  I want to set a link to a non-frame oriented site. 
> However, this other linked site keeps coming up in what I called
> "main_frame" of my site.  How do I make it use the whole page [or its'
> native format] and not my frames?

There are two different ways to solve the problem, I would say:

1) Open the link in a new window:
<a href="http://www.yahoo.com" target="_blank">Yahoo</a>

2) Open the link in the same window, undoing your frames:
<a href="http://www.yahoo.com" target="_top">Yahoo</a>

Hope that helps.

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