Hi Nigel

You got several answers, all quite correct, but proabbly a bit high
level. Let me try describe what everyone is suggesting the way I'd like it
explained to me ;)

She will want to configure her LAN as follows. Sorry, but my ascii art

  DSL router/modem
  RedHat Server (with *two* network cards)
     |       |
    win98    NT

I'll explain the setup from the inside out, since it'll probably be
clearer that way.

win98/NT: All you do is configure the win98/NT pcs to have IPs in a
private subnet (like 192.168.1.x), use the RH box as their gateway, and
use flashnet's DNS servers. A more advanced configuration could be them
using dhcp and the RH box serving them that info on bootup, and perhaps
runnign your own DNS server on the RH box too. Neither are required. No
configuration of any apps will be necessary - they will just have access
to each other and the RH box and the rest of the world, transparantly.
Easy eh?

RedHat Server
You will need to install two ethernet cards and configure them. One will
be the connection to the intelnal LAN and have an IP address in the same
provate range 192.168.1.x. The other will have the static IP you
purchased, and will be the default route. You will have to add a specific
route to the 192.168.1.x network. You will then need to configure it to do
NAT (see a recent thread on network address translation) using
ipchains. Except for securing your firewall properly, this is actually
quite trivial. What this will do is allow the other PCs on the network to
have access to the internet as if they too were plugged into the DSL
router/modem, but with the security of the RedHat firewall between them
and the net. *YOU MUST* setup a firewall!!!!!

The DSl router/hub will plug into one of the ehternet cards, and the hub
into the other. Linux has no idea there is a DSL router/modem there, and
doesn't care. It's the logical equivalent of the other nic being plugged
in to the hub. As long as you setup the RH box's external interface to
have the right IP, gateway and DNS (from flashnet) it will just work!

This is becoming an increasingly popular setup these days. I guess we need
to write a nice howto sometime. Oh where does the time go..


On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Nigel Trivass wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm hoping someone can help me  help a colleague in the US,  with the
> setting up of a small network....using the following:
> PC [win98],  NT server, Redhat server, a hub, a router and DSL
> None of the above are currently networked together.
> We have purchased one  fixed IP address from Flashnet, our DSL provider.
> Our requirements:
> My colleague requires that the Redhat machine be available to other Redhat
> servers around the globe. [These servers hold master databases which we need
> to gain access to, for the export and import of data].
> A fixed IP address is required for access to all sites.
> My colleague wants to be able to connect to the ISP directly from her PC in
> order  to pick up email.
> The PC needs also to be able to FTP/Telnet to the Redhat machine
> TCP/IP services are required between NT and the other machines.
> What would be the best way to set up this network?
> I'm thinking that we should have purchased 3 IP addresses, and then set up a
> domain. But I'm unsure of how to configure DSL - we don't have this service
> in the UK at the moment. We are running redhat version 6_0. Does the redhat
> kernel support DSL?
> I'm thinking that the best solution would be to network the 3 machines using
> private IP conventions, then connecting the DSL modem to the PC, and simply
> using a normal modem for connecting the redhat server to the internet
> whenever required?
> I know this is all a bit vague, and not strictly a redhat query, but any
> assistance would be gratefully received.
> Thanks,
> Nigel Trivass
> -- 
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