A question for all you security folks...  If I set up a RedHat 6.2 box as an IP Masq 
and Port Forwarding box with my web server and mail server being behind the firewall, 
is that more secure than just running those services on the firewall?  I would imagine 
it is because any exploits that would affect ports 80, 25, and 110 would most likely ( 
but not certainly) depend on being able to gain access to other ports in or out.  Is 
this the wrong assumption?  I am planning on getting DSL soon and I want to make sure 
my network is safe.  So far, I have plans to set up the IP Masq box using Portsentry, 
Hostsentry and Log Checker.  I also plan on turning off all services that will not be 
neededon the firewall.  Any other suggestions?


George H. Lenzer
Owner - D.L. Media
Lakewood, Ohio 44107

--He who dies with the most toys
--is still dead.


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