Remembering that someone mentioned that
/etc/rc.d/init.d/xntpd start did an ntpdate call before
starting xntpd I got to wondering why I have always had to
do this manually.  looking at the packages provided script I
found this in the start case:

# Adjust time to make life easy for xntpd
        if [ -f /etc/ntp/step-tickers ]; then
                echo -n "Syncing time for xntpd. "
                /usr/sbin/ntpdate -s -b -p 8 -u `cat

Now I understand why  I have to manaully do this, I have no
/etc/ntp/step-tickers.  What should be in there?  The only
thing I can see from the ntpdate docs would be a list of

<going to look>
</going to look>

I put a single ipaddress of a ntp server in there and sure
enough it seemed to work but where is this documented?
Shouldn't this grep the ntp.conf file if that is the desired
result?  Hmm having said that I guess that would not work
for a broadcast only client.  Still this is a pretty neat
code snippet and should be documented somewhere, but if it
is I missed it.  A grep 'step-tickers' /usr/doc/xntp3-5.93/*
returned nothing.

Comments welcome.


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