Just some friendly advice regarding emails intended to help you get a job.

1. spell check
2. spell check
3. spell check

At the very least it looks like you read the letter yourself before
sending it, and may even help make you look competant.

charles :)

On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, Michael S. Dunsavage wrote:

> Sigh.
> I know this is kinda maybe wrong, but any way...
> I just graduated college with a Certificate in Netowrk and Internet
> Technichan.
> I have a basic but firm grounding in  Linux.
> Firm grounding in windows 95/98 and DOS
> Firm grounding in Hardare.
> I'm wonderinf if any one knows of any jobs in their company.
> I am workking on gaining my CNA and NT certs sooon.
> --
> Michael S. Dunsavage

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