On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 09:28:48PM -0500, Bret Hughes wrote:
> watching the output of a full cpio backup piped through ssh
> I am getting these messages periodically.  Should I be
> worried? What do they mean?
> They seem to com in batches on the drive.
> cpio: usr/doc/gv-3.5.8/gv-5.html: truncating inode number

To quote the archive:

        The cpio file format uses short ints for inode numbers, while the
ext2 uses int (generally 32-bits.)  The truncation is a harmless artifact
of forcing ints into shorts.  It is inconsequential on read-out because
the inode number in the cpio file is ignored.

Gregory G. "Wolfe" Woodbury

Steve Borho                       Voice:  314-615-6365
Member of Technical Staff
Celox Networking Inc

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