On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Chris Watt wrote:

> At 02:19 03/08/00 +0100, Jon Nichols wrote:
> >'Hatters;
> >
> >I noticed my computer getting slow sometimes for no apparent reason after 
> >being on a while, and some programs report during those conditions that my 
> >speed is down to 25-38Mhz. Even when I am running no user apps.
> The obvious answer is to check if you have "Doze mode" or something similar
> turned on in your BIOS to make it slow the CPU down (to reduce power
> consumption when you're theoretically not using the system). Many of these
> "features" do not work properly if you have APM misconstrued (in Linux or
> in your BIOS) and some particularly irritating ones only work with Windows
> 98.

... or if you truly believe the problem could be caused by an application,
make sure you run commands such as top in order to check the use of
resources in the system.  Of course, you should also make sure that you
don't have unnecessary daemons running in the background.  In order to
shut those down, make sure you check which runlevel you run by default
(/etc/inittab will tell you in the line that mentions the initdefault),
and then go to /etc/rc.d/rcX.d (where X is the number for the runlevel you
use) and replace the daemons that you do _not_ want to run at startup by
changing the name from Swhatever to Kwhatever.

Just some ideas.

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