On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:

> >Check the manual page for smbmount: -f, -u and -g are the flags you're
> >looking for.
> Apparently I have a different version than you do. <grin>

Sure you do, but the same man page that you pasted into your reply
contains the answer though:

>        uid=<arg>
>               sets  the uid that files will be mounted as. It may
>               be specified as either a username or a numeric uid.
>        gid=<arg>
>               sets  the gid that files will be mounted as. It may
>               be specified as either a  groupname  or  a  numeric
>               gid.


>        fmask=<arg>
>               sets the file mask. This deterines the  permissions
>               that remote files have in the local filesystem. The
>               default is based on the current umask.
>        dmask=<arg>
>               sets the directory mask. This deterines the permis­
>               sions  that  remote  directories  have in the local
>               filesystem. The default is  based  on  the  current
>               umask.

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