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On 7/08/00 at 1:48 Leonard den Ottolander wrote:

>Hello all,
>> I sent an email to:
>> With unsubscribe in the body of the message.  I keep getting back a
>> message saying that I have to enter a password in order to unsubscribe.
>> never set a password on this list.  What's up with that?
> Kambiz is sitting in a corner, shaking like a leaf with guilt over
>worldwar 3, 4 *and* 5 :-).
> Kambiz, keep up the good work :-)).

It will all pass, lets all give him some leeway whilst the list is being
updated etc, the software acts different, it basically just provides a web
interface etc

Kambiz so far has been very responsive and active ......  bravo Kambiz !

Not everyone will have everything the way they want it, I guess that is
obvious, but I think I would be speaking for a large majority of long term
list members when I say that having a person from within RH who listens and
maintains the list servers and even participates possibly on the list is
most welcomed........

Poor Kambiz has faced the music on other lists as well, the bullets will
run out Kambiz, as Leonard said........  keep up the good work

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