you can also do this with procmail.  careat a file called black.list (with the
e-mail addyes - one per line) and put it in your default mail directory and then
add a procmail recipe that looks like:

* ? formail -x"From" -x"From:" -x"Sender:" \
    -x"Reply-To:" -x"Return-Path:" -x"To:" \
    | egrep -is -f black.lst

hope that helps.

On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 09:17:46 Greg Wright wrote:
    :*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
    :On 7/08/00 at 13:30 Martin Sieben wrote:
    :>some users are getting spam mail so I would like to put some filter or
    :>blacklist up. Doing that i made /etc/mail/deny(.db). The problem is I
    :>don't know how to make sendmail checking (useing) it. 
    :>All ideas welcome!
    :for RH6.X .....
    :you should use the access file (/etc/mail/access), within you can place
    :things like.....
    :[EMAIL PROTECTED]      550 We don't accept mail from spammers
    :for more info look in your /usr/doc dir or see
    :Greg Wright
    :IT Consultant Sydney Australia
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Jack Wallen, Jr
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