On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 11:16:18AM +0800, Stephen Liu wrote:
: MySQL, SQL and ORACLE are new to me except having an idea that they are
: database server for Web
: I have following questions expected to be enlightened.
: 1) Which one will be the best choice suitable for Web application

Depends on if you're talking about "Bob's Hammer Shop", or Amazon.com.
Both are well-suited to web use, but you need to size the application

: 2) Which one will be more powerful in respect of searching speed, searching
: criteria, etc.

Again, depends on the data.  For small databases, MySQL wins, for larger
amounts of data (extending even into the terabyte range), Oracle, by a 
long margin.

: 3) Which one will be easiest to install, setup, etc.

MySQL will be an easier install.  Particularly because there are RPMs that
really only require you to change a password to be running properly.

: 4) Are all of them running on LinuxPPC and/or Linux

MySQL comes as source, so whereever you want to build it...  Oracle is
not available on LinuxPPC.  Intel yes, PPC no.

: 5) Are they from opensource free to download

MySQL yes, Oracle no.  As of 6/28/2000, MySQL has gone GPL.

Jason Costomiris <><           |  Technologist, geek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  |  http://www.jasons.org/ 

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