tar -zxvf <file-name>.tar.gz
make install

but, after the tar -zxvf you should cd to the untared file dir and cat
the README and cat the INSTALL files

Benoit Cordoba wrote:
> Hello RH gurus.
> Thanks for all the help I could go far without your help.  I have a number
> of problems to fix but the one I'm on right now is the following:
> I went to "linux.aureal.com" to get the new linux driver for the Montego
> sound card.  With all your help I was able to get the file from win to linux
> I followed the install instructions namely:
> *unpack the distribution
> *change to the driver directory and become root
> *make install20
> I've tried it and I get the error:
> make: *** no rule to make target 'install20'. stop.
> Now I am not sure whether I have the file "untared".  I read the man files
> and tried it but it doesn't respond.
> The driver file is
> au88xx-1.0.5.tar.gz
> I have tried to use the z modifier in tar to make it unzip it but that
> doesn't work.
> Please help.
> Thanks
> Benoit
> RH 6.1, Dell Dimension, KDE
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