On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Jason Costomiris wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 05:19:31PM -0500, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
> : Well, I had a brief look at the docs and it says to get ssh 1 installed and 
> : working first, if you want it to be compatible
> : 
> : Bad deal.
> : 
> : I guess I'll just switch all UNIX clients to SSH2 - I dunno about putty 
> : though, do you thing a new version will be "out" soon?
> OR, install openssh 2.x, which does both in a single daemon.
AFAICT, so does the "real" ssh. Or maybe I just installed both. Don't
recall... :-) 

I just wonder, though, since RSA's patent ran out a few days ago, why
worry about OPENssh, when the real one is free for commercial OR
non-commercial use? :-)

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