On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Bret Hughes wrote:

> Thanks for the tips guys.  As I was looking at my code, I
> realied that I had not actually tried the combination that I
> posted.  What i did try was:
> @resarray= split /"\n"/, $resstring;
> Which for some reason I can not discern, puts everything
> (multiple lines) in the first element of the array.   If some
> one would care to educate me on why that is I relly would like
> to know. I thought the " allowed interpolation of the special
> backslashed chars.

no, the // operator interpolates them automatically. You are searching for
a " char followed by a newline followed by a " char here. When split fails
to match (as it did in your case) it returns the entire string as the
result. When using the // operator you have to escape regular expression
operators like *+$ etc if you want them to be used as literals though.

> Thanks for the references.  This is my first attempt at using
> modules and objects in perl.  Looks like there is more in my
> future.

cool, but this problem wasn't related to either :).

p.s. I got my mom's box back up by restoring passwd* group* shadow* and
gshadow* from backups. I'm still not sure how it happened, but at least
it's fixed.

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