I tried what it said in Red Hat Linux 6.1 Gotchas and Workarounds. 

6.19 Problems with Printer not being detected 


For several kinds of systems, local printers are not found when
printtool is searching for > local printers. You should be presented
with an error saying no local printer was found. 


Get the the latest modutils RPM from

For detailed instructions on how to install a package, please see our

Alternatively, you can add 

alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc 

to your 

/etc/conf.modules file. 

Then run /sbin/rmmod lp, and start printtool. 

The latest modutil RPM is modutil-2.3.14-2.i386.rpm. I thought "cool,
download the package and load it, problem solved." However when I try to
load the package using the rpm -Uvh modutil-2.3.14-2.i386.rpm command. I
get the following error. Only packages with major numbers <=3 are
supported by this version of RPM error: modutil-2.3.14-2.i386.rpm cannot
be installed. Bum! So I try the alternative. Hacked the conf.modules.
and ran the command. This cased so many problems that I had to
completely reload Linux to fix it. 

 Rev. David P. Giffen      ICQ# 2857084        AIM Handle# Rev Coyote
  "Imagination is more importnant than knowledge" - Albert Einstein

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