> > hi  list
> >
> > it seems that RH 6.2 Linux doesn't complaint if there are 2 machines of
> the
> > same IP addess sitting in the same segment.
> > why is that so?   (i have checked the /var/log/messages)
> >
> > I have installed Solaris and Windows before with the same scenerio but in
> > both cases I will know of any conflicting IP addresses during
> installation
> You are absolutely right.  There is no way to know this at boot afaik. I
> ended
> up using dhcp on ALL machines at the office and at home just to get around
> the
> probelm.  It is really a piece of cake to setup.
> Bret
> yup, it is one of those possibilities...but in most cases i'm setting up
> servers which will need static IPs.
> i just can't believe that there are no IP conflict checking in linux...

You can set up dhcp to give the same ipaddress to boxes based on the MAC address.  
great for servers.


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