On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Luke C Gavel wrote:

> Okay...so who wrote that particular Request-For-Comment?  Some
> chimpanzee that scientists are trying to 'talk' to?  I guess part
> of the experiment included an email account for the monkey...and
> Behold! RFC821 was born!

The late, great, Jonathan B. Postel, who could actually lay a pretty good
claim to being one of the inventors of the internet.

RFC 821 runs SMTP mail, one of the most used protocols in the world. *You*
might not have chosen to implement the lone dot as a message terminator,
but the overall protocol has stood the test of time better than many
on the internet. 

I believe that most MUA's transparently protect the user from inadvertent
message terminators. What MUA are you using?   


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