I recently purchased a Sony PCG-SR7K Laptop and a D-Link DFE-650 Network
card. I've managed to get all the basic stuff working, with the exception of
the network card. Can anyone point me to the right how-to or offer a
suggestion? Details are as follows:

Laptop: Sony PCG-SR7K
Network card: D-Link DFE-650
Linux kernel version: 2.2.16-3
Redhat version: 6.2

What I've tried:
--I 'think' I have the latest version of cardservices running - version
3.1.8. I found in the Hardware Compatibility How-to that pcnet_cs.o supports
the DFE-650 card.
--'cat /proc/ioports' shows pcnet_cs at 0300-031f
--'cat /proc/interrupts' does not list eth0 anywhere.
--Modified /etc/pcmcia/config.opts to exlcude irqs 5,9 (already excluded
--Modified /etc/pcmcia/config to remove irq 7 from the list of irqs for
--I recently turned PnP off in the BIOS to get my sound card working. It
doesn't seem to have had any effect on the network card.
--It was detecting the card as a KTI ETHER-C16 Fast ethernet. I commented
out this option in /etc/pcmcia/config and it started detecting it as a
DFE-650, but no other improvements.
--I read the Ethernet How-to (and various man pages that it led me to), the
networking-overview how-to, a couple other how-to's I've probably forgotten
to mention, and every man page I could think of.

--I don't have anything in my /etc/conf.modules file about my ethernet card.
Should I?
--The network dongle (you know, the adapter thingie that connects the card
to the network cable) has three lights on it (10/100, Half/Full, Ln/Act).
When I plug into a 10 Mb hub, the appropriate lights come on (still doesn't
work), but when I plug into a 100 Mb hub, they all just flash. Is it
possible that it is failing because it can't detect whether the card is 10
or 100?
--I don't think protocol is my problem, but I noticed in the course of my
travels that there's an IPv6, and I appear to have IPv4. Should I get the
newer version?

'ifconfig' only shows the local loopback, but 'ifconfig eth0' shows:
eth0    Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:BA:73:89:A7
        BROADCAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
        RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
        TX packets:0 errors:2 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
        collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
        Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300

Everything that sounds network related in my /var/logs/messages file
(hopefully without too much other stuff mixed in):

unrelated stuff...

kernel: PCI: Probing PCI hardware
kernel: Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.2
kernel: Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
kernel: NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0 for Linux NET4.0
kernel: NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
kernel: IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (ehash 131072 bhash 65536)
kernel: Initializing RT netlink socket

other stuff...

identd: identd startup succeeded
atd: atd startup succeeded
rc.sysinit: Mounting proc filesystem succeeded
sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
sysctl: net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_always_defrag = 0
sysctl: kernel.sysrq = 0

more other stuff...

rc.sysinit: Setting hostname brynhild succeeded

more other stuff...

kudzu: succeeded
sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
sysctl: net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_always_defrag = 0
sysctl: kernel.sysrq = 0
network: Setting network parameters succeeded
network: Bringing up interface lo succeeded
ifup: Delaying eth0 initialization.
network: Bringing up interface eth0 failed

more other stuff...

pcmcia: Starting PCMCIA services:
pcmcia: modules
kernel: Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.1.8
kernel:   kernel build: 2.2.16-3 #1 Mon Jun 19 19:11:44 EDT 2000
kernel:   options: [pci] [cardbus] [apm]
kernel: Intel PCIC probe:
kernel:   Ricoh RL5C475 PCI-to-CardBus at bus 0 slot 12, mem 0x68000000, 1
kernel:     host opts [0]: [isa irq] [io 3/6/1] [mem 3/6/1] [no pci irq]
[lat 168/176] [bus 32/34]
kernel:     ISA irqs (default) = 3,4,5,7,10,11,12,15 polling interval = 1000
pcmcia: cardmgr.
rc: Starting pcmcia succeeded
cardmgr[479]: starting, version is 3.1.8
inetd: inetd startup succeeded
cardmgr[479]: watching 1 sockets
kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x1000-0x17ff: excluding 0x1040-0x104f
kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0100-0x04ff: excluding 0x170-0x177 0x330-0x337
0x370-0x377 0x4d0-0x4d7
kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0a00-0x0aff: clean.
cardmgr[479]: initializing socket 0
kernel: cs: memory probe 0xa0000000-0xa0ffffff: clean.
cardmgr[479]: socket 0:         D-Link DFE-650 Ethernet
cardmgr[479]: executing: 'insmod /lib/modules/2.2.16-3/net/8390.o'
cardmgr[479]: executing: 'insmod /lib/modules/2.2.16-3/pcmcia/pcnet_cs.o
kernel: eth0: NE2000 Compatible: io 0x300, irq 10, hw_addr 00:50:BA:73:89:A7
cardmgr[479]: executing: './network start eth0'

more other stuff...

gpc: gpm startup succeeded
httpd: httpd: cannot determine local host name.
httpd: Use the ServerName directive to set it manually.
httpd: httpd startup failed

more other stuff...

kernel: eth0: trigger_send() called with the transmitter busy.
kernel: eth0: found link beat
kernel: eth0: lost link beat
kernel: eth0: trigger_send() called with the transmitter busy.
cardmgr[479]: + Determining IP information for eth0... Operation failed.
cardmgr[479]: + failed.
cardmgr[479]: start cmd exited with status 1

more other stuff...

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