Sorry Stephan, but I would need more information.  Such as:

A) What was the former and latter IP addr(s) and their netmasks?
B) Is this NIC directly connected to the Internet?

I know you shouldn't release this information publicly, but what
to do??  We can't really help otherwise...

Best Regards,

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Stephen King wrote:

> When I try and change my IP address on my NIC. It stops working. Yes, I
> reboot and its says it boots up correctly but when I try and ping something
> I get nothing, network unreachable. But I can ping myself. I go into the
> linuxconf and look around in the client information. Nothing has changed
> except the IP then even if I change it back it won't work correctly. The NIC
> is a 3C900-TPO.
> Any suggestions? Ideas?
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