On Wed,  9 Aug 2000, "George Lenzer" wrote:

> I was trying to welcome some friends into the Linux fold
> tonight, but ran into a snag.  I have done dual boot
> installations before with Windows NT and Win98.  They
> have always been successful for me.  Until tonight...
> Here is the situation:

This is how I usually setup a Linux + Windoze box.   Two disks. The first
that often already comes with the PC and has Windoze on it already
(95/98/NT/2000). Add the second disk as the slave (if IDE) or 2nd SCSI (if
scsi) and partition it for Linux as needed. My own pc has two paritions, a
4GB (/opt) and a 8GB (/ "root") parition, and of course I left room for a
350MB swap parition.  If you need more security, make more paritions, like
/boot /usr /usr/local  and others seperately. Up to your needs. When asked
my Linux (I use RedHat 6.2) install for where to boot from use the Master
Boot Record.When asked which paritions to include in te boot list (for
lilo) make sure you select your Linux and your Windozer parition. I usually
set it up so lilo is the first boot loader to come up, then I let it go to
load linux or type win to load windoze.  If loading Windoze with NT
installed then you get NT's boot loader second (unfortunalely no way around
this 'cause of Windoze of course wants to be the only os on your pc). 

I actually use VMWARE under Linux, so I have Linux running, run VMWare and
startup windows in the virtual machine simultaneously.  

Good luck ;-)  

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