At 05:20 PM 9/21/00 , Stephen King wrote:
>I tried the echo $TERM on the remote computer and it came up with "ansi".
>But when I go onto the local computer and type that I get "linux"? You
>guys/gals are probably correct, I'm running RH so it's probably Vim instead
>of Vi. To add another twist to it I try and run linuxconf from the telnet
>sessions looks like this.

Your terminal type is hosed.  How, exactly, are you connecting to the 
remote system?  Are you using Windows?  Windows TCP/IP clients often have 
settings for this (or possibly just get a better client, I like Tera Term).

When I ssh from one Linux machine to another, my terminal type stays Linux 
(which, incidentally, is probably the best).  If you are connecting from 
one UNIX/Linux machine to a remote Linux machine, what terminal type do you 
show on the local host?

-Alan Mead

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