
Yes and maybe.  linux can configure to almost any scenario. However, since your
attempting to use Win95 as the gateway it becomes a question of what/if theWin95
machine can do ip-forwarding.

If your only using tcp/ip then Linux will not have a problem.  Just configure
the default gatway to be the win95 box.

Huttinger wrote:

> Hi,
>   I have two win95 boxes networked together with two ethernet cards and
> software called Ishare.  The win95 box I use has Linux Redhat 6.2 on it as a
> dual boot LILO system.  Is it possible to use Linux to access the net
> through the ethernet card using the win95 box that is dialed in to the
> internet as a server?  Perhaps someone could point to a book where they tell
> how to do this.  I have read about VMware and Samba but my interpretation is
> they won't work for what I want to do.  Any information appreciated.
> Mike Huttinger
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