
I didn't see any replies to this and I don't know what your error message

But I have some ideas.  Are you using name- or IP-based hosts?  Name-based
will not work (per se) with SSL because the name is transmitted by the
browser and it is not decrypted until after the server has sorted out the
virtual host.  So when using SSL, the server simply cannot resolve
name-based hosts.  Now, you could configure various hosts to listen to
different ports (where the intended server is the default for that port).  I
don't know how much trouble this creates (for starters, of course, you have
to include the port in the URL).  And I suppose there are other tricks like
having one SSL "home" which redirects people based on the referring URL or
some parameters, etc....

Or, if you are using IP-based VH's then I suggest you examine your docs.
You must be using RH's Secure Server?--that's apache+mod_ssl.   I found that
mod_ssl has pretty good docs (listing most error messages, for example).
And, of course, you can always install the source and grep it for this error
and try to figure out the conditions that lead to it.  There is also a list
specifically to support SS although it is *very* low volume and I don't
think has a lot of guru's listening.  I got the impression that Ralf lurks
(or actually participates) in one or more of the server newsgroups.

Also, since you mention that you are proto-typing... with RH 7 being
available tomorrow or so (?) and with RSA giving up their patent, one
wonders about the future of SS as a RH product.  Unlike the rest of RH's
stuff, SS is licensed (not free) so it's not perfectly clear what would
happen if RH dropped support for it.  On the other hand, it could now make
it into the power tools as free software (I don't know if it counts as
munitions... it looks like if a system has OpenSSH installed, it will have
all the encryption needed for mod_ssl...).


----- Original Message -----
From: Eric S. Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 8:23 PM
Subject: ssl virtual servers

: I'm trying to set up SSL enabled virtual servers using SSL server shipped
: with Red Hat 6.2 professional.
: Since I'm still in prototype phase, I created self signed certificates
: which work just fine when I run them in the server using the default case
: virtual server.  Anytime I add an additional virtual server, I get the
: Couldn't recover size of server key
: and the server doesn't start.
: Ran this phrase through the various search engines and they found
: nothing.  Any ideas?
: ---eric
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