>>I'm preparing to install an IDE 45gb hard drive on a RH6.1 system.  It's
>>not a primary drive, and will mainly be used for extra storage of
>>documents.  I have a few elementary questions:
>>1) Other than making sure IDE support is compiled into the kernel, what
>>steps do I need to take to prepare for installing this device?

>That should be it.  As long as its IDE based, that'll work.  ATA66 drives
>need more to work if you use them on ATA66 connections though.  Not sure if
>this applies, since you didn't offer many specs on the drive or motherboard.

     Will a 45 Gb drive work ?  I tried a 40+ Gb drive on a system with a
fairly recent ASUS P3 motherboard but I couldn't build a filesystem or
do a bad block r/w scan.
 I later read that there aren't enough pins on the IDE bus to address beyond
32 Gb .  I don't know if there are drivers for linux yet which work around
this limitation. 

  30 Gb drives work with standard RedHat drivers and kernels.



Peter Skensved
Dept. of Physics,
Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario,

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