in. is just part of the filename.. don't be confused by it.
the daemon must reside at /usr/bin/ftpd based on the config file.. if it
doesn't, then change the config.. one way or another.. make sure it's

the -a option (based on the man page for ftpd) enables the use of the
ftpaccess file (/etc/ftpaccess is where it usually resides).

checking the ftpd (/etc/ftp* usually.. should be about 4 of em) config
files is usually a good idea anyway :P

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, xanh wrote:

> What exactly is an in.* file?  Why in.ftpd is not the same file as ftpd?
> After building the wu-ftpd files from  wu-ftpd-2.6.1.tar.gz, I edited the
> inetd.conf file
> and have the ftp line point to the new executable
> ###
>     ftp     stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd
>  /usr/bin/ftpd -l -a
> ###
> Tried to ftp to my box and get:
>     Connected to
>     Connection closed by remote host.
> I copied ftpd to /usr/sbin, renamed the file to in.ftpd, tried again and get
>     Connected to
>     500 FTP server shut down -- please try again later.
>     User (
>     Connection closed by remote host.
> Everything used to work fine when I install the service from a RPM package.
> What have I done wrong?
> Thanks
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