On Tue, 03 Oct 2000, Warren Melnick wrote:
> The local DSL provider here sells their service with the 3Com HomeConnect
> ADSL Modem PCI.
> Two questions:
> (1) Is there support for this card?
> (2) I am buying this as a supplement to my Cable modem, due to frequent
> outages on both platforms.  If I put a third Ethernet card into my
> firewall/router linux box (eth0=internal, eth1=cable modem) I was wondering
> if I can route to both (or even preferone over the other) but know to switch
> to only one of them if the other goes down.
I think you're going to need to set up something called "BGP" (Border
Gateway Protocol.) I'm not sure how to go about doing that, but
that's how the "big boys" (ISP's, large corporations) who are
"multi-homed" do it. :-)

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