I was reading lilo and I found something  upsetting ,that lilo won't recognise a 3 or 4
disk system

My BIOS allows for a primary master and slave as well as a secondary master and slave
So I am wondering if there are anybody out there with 3 or 4 disk system ?
I would like to do the following;
device           mount        type      BIOS
/dev/hda1       /Other         DOS     Primary master
/dev/hda2       /                ext2      Primary master
/dev/hda3     /swap                      Primary master
/dev/hdb1     /usr                       Primary slave       
/dev/hdb2     /home         ext2      Primary slave
/dev/hdc1     /var             ext2   Secondary master
/dev/hdc2     /stuff           ext2    Secondary master
/dev/hdd1    /morestuff    ext2    Secondary slave
/dev/hdd2    /whatever    ext2    Secondary slave

Would lilo detect this on RH7 or something similar ?

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